I hate my day!!!! I am supposed to be at the meeting of Hospitality Club in campus and for the sake of my stupid slippers I missed the bus.I had to run to get another slippers because it was impossible for me to walk without it. When I got back from my apartment to get the slippers, the bus just left about 5 mins before I reached the bus stop. So, I had to wait for another bus which was supposed to arrive at 2.44, and I waited for one hour and ten minutes but it had never came. After waiting for that long, I decided to go back to my apartment because it was already 3.30 when the bus came. I did not go to attend the meeting since it would be too late to attend the meeting. But I will attend it next month.
God . . .today is a worst day for me because since last night I have had bad times. Last night, this morning and this afternoon I have cried more than four times. I cried because I miss Welly . . my bestfriend. . . misss you miss you . . I wish you were here with me so we could spend time togetherr like before . . wish we could cook our fave food, play guitar like we used to do and sing unfinished songs . . . I miss all the time we have been through . . . last night I could not sleep well because I was thinking of you, this morning I cried on the bus because I read your post on my wall on Facebook, and in the class I cried again (but thanks God, no body noticed that. In the bed at 12.10 I cried a looootttt . . .you would never know how bad I cried today . . and even now I am crying when I am writing this post . . I do MISSS you so much my bestie . . .
I wanted to call you but it is too early in Indonesia, it is 3 AM. . . although I know that you would not mind if I call you, still I do not want to do that . . I will wait til you are awake . . .
I love you so much . . .
I feel so lonely here Ly . . .
I promise once I get back, I will visit you . . because it has been long time since we met . . and may be I will move to Gorontalo instead of staying in Ampana . .
LOVE YOU Welly . . . I do . . .
I am so sorry for all my Mistakes . . .